
Balearic Islands
They are still among the most popular sailing areas in Europe. They are easy to get to, and they offer a very good infrastructure
The Turkish Mediterranean Coast is a sailing area for the connoisseur and enthusiasts. No doubt that you will come back after your first visit.
Southern France
The "Blue Coast" is a strong dose of Mediterranean flair along 150 kilometers of coastline between Marseille and Nice.
Italy is a sailing area of superlatives, caressed by the sun and blessed with natural beauty, art, and a rich historical heritage
WIthout any doubt is Greece the most diverse sailing area in the Mediterranean, both in terms of landscapes and the sailing challenges.
located between Italy and Croatia, Slovenia has a small stretch of coast on the Istrian peninsula.
Montenegro’s sunny shoreline is lined with Mediterranean trees and sandy beaches. Conditions are ideal for swimming, diving and sailing.
Croatia offers excellent conditions for a relaxed sailing holiday Stretched along Croatia’s 1200 miles coastline
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